Print Ad Analysis

For inspiration, look at some of these sources in Scott Lukas' gender and advertising bibliography:

Relevant Journals

  • Journalism Quarterly
  • Advances in Consumer Research
  • Journal of Consumer Research
  • Journal of Marketing Research
  • Journal of Advertising
  • Journal of Advertising Research
  • Media Information Australia
  • Journal of Communication
  • Industrial Marketing Management
  • Current Issues and Research in Advertising
  • Sex Roles
  • Journal of Communication Inquiry
  • Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly
  • International Journal of Advertising


Barthel, Diane
1987 Putting on Appearances: Gender and Advertising. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Belknap, Penny and Wilbert Leonard II
1991 A Conceptual Replication of Erving Goffman’s Study of Gender Advertisements. Sex Roles 25(3-4):103-18.

Benokraitis, Nijole and Joe Feagin. Modern Sexism: Blatant, Subtle, and Covert Discrimination. Second edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Berger, John
1985 Ways of Seeing. London: BBC.

Bernard, Jessie
1995 The Good-Provider Role: Its Rise and Fall. In Men’s Lives. Third edition. Michael Kimmel and Michael Messner, eds. Pp. 149-163. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Bordo, Susan
1993 Unbearable Weigh: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body. Berkeley: University of California Press.

1997a Braveheart, Babe, and the Contemporary Body. In Twilight Zones: The Hidden Life of Cultural Images from Plato to O.J.. Pp. 27-65. Berkeley: University of California Press.

1997b Never Just Pictures. In Twilight Zones: The Hidden Life of Cultural Images from Plato to O.J.. Pp. 107-138. Berkeley: University of California Press.

1997c Can a Woman Harass a Man? In Twilight Zones: The Hidden Life of Cultural Images from Plato to O.J.. Pp. 139-172. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Brod, Harry
1995 Pornography and the Alienation of Male Sexuality. In Men’s Lives. Third edition. Michael Kimmel and Michael Messner, eds. Pp. 393-404. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Brumberg, Joan Jacobs

1997 The Body Project. New York: Random House.
Busby, Linda J. and Greg Leichty

1993 "Feminism and advertising in traditional and nontraditional women's magazines 1950s-1980s." Journalism Quarterly 70 (Summer 2):247-265.

Chodorow, Nancy
1974 Family Structure and Feminine Personality. In Women, Culture and Society. Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere, eds. Pp. 43-66. Stanford: Stanford University Press.Collins, Patricia Hill

1990 Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment. Boston: Unwin Hyman.

Maureen Coughlin and P. J. O'Connor (1984). Gender Role Portrayals in Advertising: An Individual Difference Analysis. Advances in ConsumerResearch, 12: 238-41.

Cronin, Anne. Advertising and Consumer Citizenship: Gender, Images and Rights. New York: Routledge, 2000.

Courtney, Alice and Sarah Wernick Lockeretz
1971 A Woman’s Place: An Analysis of the Roles Portrayed by Women in Magazine Advertisements. Journal of Marketing Research 8:92.

Courtney, Alice and Thomas Whipple
1983 Sex Stereotyping in Advertising. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.

1985 Female Role Portrayals in Advertising and Communication Effectiveness: A Review. Journal of Advertising, 14 (3): 4-8, 17.

Craig, Stephen
1992 The Effect of Television Day Part on Gender Portrayals in Television Commercials: A Content Analysis. Sex Roles 26(5/6):197-211.

Culley, James D. and Rex Bennett
1976 Selling Women, Selling Blacks. Journal of Communication 26:160-74.

Donnerstein, Edward and Daniel Linz
1997d Mass Media, Sexual Violence, and Male Viewers: Current Theory and Research. In Reconstructing Gender: A Multicultural Anthology. Estelle Disch, ed. Pp. 498-513. Mountain View: Mayfield.

Easton, G. and C. Toner
1983 "Women in industrial advertisements." Industrial Marketing Management 12 (2, April):145-149.

Paula England and Teresa Gardner (1983). Sex Differentiation in Magazine Advertisements: A Content Analysis Using Log-Linear Modeling. Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 6 (1): 253-268.

Evans, Debra
1993 Beauty and the Best. Colorado Springs, CO: Focus on the Family Publishing.

Ewen, Stuart
1988 All Consuming Images: The Politics of Style in Contemporary Culture. New York: Basic Books.

Ewing, Wayne
1995 The Civic Advocacy of Violence. In Men’s Lives. Third edition. Michael Kimmel and Michael Messner, eds. Pp. 301-306. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Faludi, Susan
1999 Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man. New York: Perennial.

Geraldine Fennell and Susan Weber (1983). Avoiding Sex Role Stereotypes in Advertising: What Questions should We Ask? Advances in Consumer Research, 11: 88-93.

Ferguson, Jill Hicks, Peggy J. Kreshel and Spencer F. Tinkham
1990 "In the pages of Ms.: sex role portrayals of women in advertising." Journal of Advertising 19 (1):40-51.

Flick, M.
1984 "Invisible or lovely: women in advertisements." Media Information Australia 34:23-34.

Friedan, Betty
1984 The Feminine Mystique. New York: Dell.

Frith, Katherine T.
1998 Undressing the Ad: Reading Culture in Advertising. In Undressing the Ad: Reading Culture in Advertising, Katherine T. Frith, ed. Pp. 1-17. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Furham, Adrian and Nadine Bitar
1993 The Stereotypical Portrayal of Men and Women in British Television Advertisements. Sex Roles 29(3-4):297-310.

Gibson, James William
1994 Warrior Dreams: Violence and Manhood in Post-Vietnam America. New York: Hill and Wang.

Goffman, Erving
1979 Gender Advertisements. New York: Harper and Row.

Goldman, Robert
1992 Reading Ads Socially. London: Routledge.

Griffin, M., K. Viswanath, and D. Schwartz
1994 "Gender advertising in the U. S. and India: exporting cultural stereotypes." Media, Culture and Society 16 (3):487-507.

Hall, Christine and Matthew Crum
1994 Women and ‘Bodyisms’ in Television Beer Commercials. Sex Roles 31(5-6):329-37.

Hood, Jane C.
1995 “Let’s Get a Girl”: Male Bonding Rituals in America. In Men’s Lives. Third edition. Michael Kimmel and Michael Messner, eds. Pp. 303-311. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Kaufman, Michael
1995 The Construction of Masculinity and the Triad of Men’s Violence. In Men’s Lives. Third edition. Michael Kimmel and Michael Messner, eds. Pp. 13-25. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Kervin, D.
1990 "Advertising masculinity: the representation of males in Esquire advertisements." Journal of Communication Inquiry 14 (1, Winter):51-70.

Kilbourne, Jean
1999 Can’t Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Klassen, M., C. Jasper, and A. Schwartz
1993 "Men and women: images of their relationships in magazine advertisements." Journal of Advertising Research 33 (2):30-39.

William E. Kilbourne (1983). An Exploratory Study of Sex Roles in Advertising and Women's Perceptions of Managerial Attributes in Women. Advances in Consumer Research, 11: 84-87.

Kilbourne, W.
1990 "Female stereotyping in advertising: an experiment on male-female perceptions of leadership." Journalism Quarterly 67 (1):25-31.

Kosimar, L.
1971 Women in Sexist Society. New York: John Wiley.

Lafky, Sue, Duffy, Margaret, Steinmaus, Mary and Berkowitz, Dan.
1996 "Looking through gendered lenses: female stereotype in advertisements and gender role expectations." Journalism Quarterly 73 (Summer 1996):379-387.

Lanis, Kyra and Katherine Covell
1995 Images of Women in Advertisements: Effects on Attitudes Related to Sexual Aggression. Sex Roles 22(9-10):639-49.

Lazier-Smith, Linda
1989 "Advertising: women's place and image -- a new 'generation' of images to women." Pp. 247-260 in P. J. Creedon (ed.), Women in Mass Communication: Challenging Gender Values. Sage Focus Edition, no. 106. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.

1989 A New Generation of Images of Women. In Women in Mass Communications. P.J. Creedon, ed. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Leiss, William, Stephen Kline and Sut Jhally
1986 Social Communication in Advertising: Persons, Products and Images of Well-Being. Toronto: Methuen.
Lewis, C. and J. Neville
1995 "Images of Rosie: a content analysis of women workers in American magazine advertising, 1940-1946." Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 72 (1):216-227.
Lindsey, Linda
1997 Advertising. In Gender Roles: A Sociological Perspective. Third edition. Pp. 312-317. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Lysonski, S.
1985 "Role portrayals in British magazine advertisements." European Journal of Marketing 19 (7):37-55.
Lysonski, S.
1983 "Female and male portrayals in magazine advertisements: a re-examination." Akron Business and Economic Review 14 (2, Summer):45-50.
M. Carole Macklin and Richard H. Kolbe (1984). Sex Role Stereotyping in Children's Advertising: Current and Past Trends. Journal of Advertising, 13 (2): 34-42.

Metzl, Jonathan. "Selling Sanity Through Gender," Ms. Magazine. Fall 2003. [Good article from a Dr. and professor at the Univ. of Michigan on pharmaceutical ads focusing on women and mental "health".]

Mulvey, Laura
1975 Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. Screen 16:6-18.

Ortner, Sherry
1974 Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture? In Women, Culture and Society. Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere, eds. Pp. 67-87. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Leonard N. Reid and Lawrence C. Soley (1983). Decorative Models and the Readership of Magazine Ads. Journal of Advertising Research, 23 (April/May): 27-31.

Reid, L. N. and L. C. Soley
1981 "Another look at the 'decorative' female model: the recognition of visual and verbal ad components." Pp. 123-133 in J. H. Leigh and C. R. Martin, Jr. (eds.), Current Issues and Research in Advertising. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Graduate School of Business Administration.
Riffe, Daniel et. al.
1993 Game Time, Soap Time and Prime Time TV Ads: Treatment of Women in Sunday Football and Rest-of-Week Advertising. Journalism Quarterly 70(2):437-46.
Rudman, William and Akiko Hagiwara
1992 Sexual Exploitation in Advertising Health and Wellness Products. Women and Health 18:77-89.
Rudman, William and Patty Verdi
1993 Exploitation: Comparing Sexual and Violent Imagery of Females and Males in Advertising. Women and Health 20(4):1-20.
Saunders, C. S. and B. A. Stead
1986 "Women's adoption of a business uniform: a content analysis of magazine advertisements." Sex Roles 15 (3/4):197-205.
Scanlon, Jennifer, ed.
2000 The Gender and Consumer Culture Reader. New York: New York University Press.
Schulz, Muriel
1990 The Semantic Derogation of Women. In The Feminist Critique of Language: A Reader. Deborah Cameron, ed. Pp. 134-147. New York: Routledge.
Sexton, Donald and Phyllis Haberman
1974 Women in Magazine Advertisements. Journal of Advertising Research 14:41-46.
Shuttleworth, Sally
1990a Female Circulation: Medical Discourse and Popular Advertising in the Mid-Victorian Era. In Body/Politics: Women and the Discourses of Science. Mary Jacobus, Evelyn Fox Keller, and Sally Shuttleworth, eds. Pp. 47-68. New York: Routledge
Simmons, Jane M.
1986 Gender Differences of Nonverbal Power Cues in Television Commercials. Proceedings of the 1986 Convention of the American Academy of Advertising, (ed.), Ernest F. Larkin: R72-R76.
Soley, L. C. and L. N. Reid
1988 "Taking it off: Are models in magazine advertisements wearing less?" Journalism Quarterly 65 (4, Winter):960-966.
Lawrence C. Soley and Leonard N. Reid (1983). Effects of Decorative Female Models on Ad Recognition Over Time. Proceedings of the 1983 Convention of the American Academy of Advertising, (ed.), Donald W. Jugenheimer: 116- 119.
Stern, Barbara
1993 Feminist Literary Criticism and the Deconstruction of Ads: A Postmodern View of Advertising and Consumer Responses. Journal of Consumer Research 19 (March).
Stoltenberg, John
1994 What Makes Pornography Sexy? Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions.
Stoltenberg, John
1997b How Men Have (A) Sex. In Reconstructing Gender: A Multicultural Anthology. Estelle Disch, ed. Pp. 218-227. Mountain View: Mayfield.
Sullivan, G. L. and P. J. O'Connor
1988 "Women's portrayals in magazine advertising: 1958-1983." Sex Roles 18 (3/4):181-188. Teresa A. Swartz (1983). Role Portrayal Preferences for Print Advertisements. Proceedings of the 1983 Convention of the American Academy of Advertising, (ed.), Donald W. Jugenheimer: 112-115.
Theweleit, Klaus
1987 Male Fantasies. Volumes I, II. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Thompson, Doug Cooper
1993 The Male Role Stereotype. In Experiencing Race, Class, and Gender in the United States. Virginia Cyrus, ed. Pp. 146-148. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.
Thorne, Barrie
1997a Boys and Girls Together But Mostly Apart: Gender Arrangements in Elementary School. In Reconstructing Gender: A Multicultural Anthology. Estelle Disch, ed. Pp. 77-94. Mountain View: Mayfield.
Trees, Barbara
1997c Like a Smack in the Face: Pornography in the Trades. In Reconstructing Gender: A Multicultural Anthology. Estelle Disch, ed. Pp. 379-381. Mountain View: Mayfield.
Twitchell, James B.
1996 AdCult USA: The Triumph of Advertising in American Culture. New York: Columbia University Press.
Umiker-Sebeok, J.
1981 "The seven ages of women: a view from American magazine advertisements." Chapter 11 in Clara Mayo and Nancy M. Henley (eds.), Gender and Nonverbal Behavior. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Venkatesan, M. and Jean Losco
1975 Women in Magazine Ads: 1959-71. Journal of Advertising Research 15:49-54.
Wagner, Louis and Janis Banos
1973 A Woman’s Place: A Follow-Up Analysis of the Roles Portrayed by Women in Magazine Advertisements. Journal of Marketing Research May:213-14.
Walters, Suzanna Danuta
1995 Material Girls: Making Sense of Feminist Cultural Theory. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Warlaumont, H. G.
1993 "Visual grammars of gender: the gaze and psychoanalytic theory in advertisements." Journal of Communication Inquiry 17 (1):25-40.
Wiles, Charles
1991 A Comparison of Role Portrayal of Men and Women in Magazine Advertising in the USA and Sweden. International Journal of Advertising 10:259-67.
Wolf, Naomi
1991 The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women. New York: Doubleday.