Tacitus Discussion Questions

1. What does Tacitus conceive of as the underlying stuff of history? In other words, does he see historical processes as part of an overarching pattern or chain of causality? If so, what is the overarching pattern?

2. Find examples of Tacitus' thoughts on the subjects of power and slavery. Does he regard the Romans as enslaved under Augustus and Tiberius? All the Romans or only certain groups? What in Tacitus' view would constitute the right and/or best way for a Roman of senatorial class to conduct himself under the principate?

3. Compare the performances by Drusus and Germanicus in suppressing discontent among the soldiers in Pannonia and in Germany with each other and with Tiberius's reaction (pages 43-60 = Book 1 16-48). Who is to blame? How do the three leaders come off? Bring in Tacitus's description of the last chapter in Germanicus's life (pages 104-128). How is Tacitus using Germanicus as a foil for Tiberius?