Pluralistic Ignorance


Below are questions pertaining to Reed students' feelings about their intelligence.

How intelligent are you?

Year: 2012
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 9 (extremely)

Compared to: How intelligent is the average Reed student?
Actual norm = 6.30 (SD = 1.51)
Perceived norm = 7.05 (SD = 1.18)
p < 0.0001, significant

Participants report that they are less intelligent than the average Reed student.

Compared to: How intelligent does the average Reed student think they are?
Actual norm = 6.31 (SD = 1.51)
Perceived norm= 7.23 (SD = 1.25)
p < 0.0001, significant

Participants report that they are less intelligent than the average Reed student thinks they are.
Comparison of the above two questions
The two norms (7.05 vs 7.23) do not differ significantly.

Participants report that the average Reed student thinks they are as intelligent as they actually are.

How much is your intelligence due to hard work?

Year: 2012
Scale: 1 (not much) to 9 (very much)

Actual norm = 6.00 (SD = 2.05)
Perceived norm = 5.83  (SD = 1.54)
p = 0.32, not significant

Participants report that their intelligence is as much due to hard work as the intelligence of the average Reed student.

How much is your intelligence due to innate ability?

Year: 2012
Scale: 1 (not much) to 9 (very much)

Actual norm = 5.65 (SD = 1.73)
Perceived norm = 6.02 (SD = 1.52)
p < 0.01, significant

Participants report that their intelligence is less due to innate ability than the intelligence of the average Reed student.


How intelligent are you?

Year: 2008
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 7 (extremely)

Actual norm = 4.44 (SD = 1.35)
Perceived norm = 4.94 (SD = 1.07)
p < 0.0001, significant

Participants report that they are less intelligent than the typical Reed student.


How intelligent are you?

Year: 2007
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 10 (extremely)

Actual norm = 7.10
(SD = 1.40)
Perceived norm = 7.62 (SD = 1.17)
p < 0.0001, significant

Participants report that they are less intelligent than the average Reed student.

How intelligent are you as a student in your major?

Year: 2007
Scale: 1 (not at all) to 10 (extremely)

Actual norm = 6.90 (SD = 1.78)
Perceived norm = 7.69 (SD = 1.40)
p < 0.0001, significant

Participants report that they are less intelligent than the average student in their major.