Russian Language & Literature

Русский язык и русская литература в Рид–колледже

Eastern Europe Tour, 2014

The Reed Russian department and Alumni Office are pleased to announce our eleventh annual East European tour, scheduled for April 26 – May 11, 2014. This year we will include both Russia and Ukraine in our investigation, visiting the three great capitals of Kiev, Moscow, and St. Petersburg as we review East Slavic history and culture from the tenth century through the modern era. Besides devoting unhurried time ahead of the summer crush to the spectacular world-heritage architectural sites and extraordinary museums and performance halls of the three capitals, we will visit the ancient museum town of Pereslav near Kiev and the splendid summer palace and park in Gatchina south of St. Petersburg. Along with a carefully devised program of exceptional interest and richness, the tour will include presentations by the tour organizer and leader, Russian scholar and former Reed Russian professor Judson Rosengrant, as well as by local English-speaking guides. The tour requires no knowledge of foreign languages and is open to anyone who would like to learn first-hand about Russia and Ukraine and their vital place in the world.

Download the detailed itinerary (PDF)

For more information, please write to Dr. Rosengrant at, or call him at 1.503.880.9521.