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South side, the upper portion reconstructed. It is unusal to have arch springing so far above the medial molding.
Jan. 2001
Looking north through arch to sacbé, artificial roadway.
Jan. 2001
Looking north from arch along sacbé, which runs 18 kilometers (11 miles) toward Uxmal.
Jan. 2001
South side; wide, flat capstone makes it clear that this is not a structural arch.
Nov. 1999
Stone foundation for sacbé at north entrance to arch, originally surfaced with plaster.
Nov. 1999
Stone foundation of arch floor, which would originally have been plastered.
Jan. 2001
North side with staircase, partly reconstructed.
Jan. 2003
North side showing platform and staircase.
Jan. 2003
Underside from north, partly reconstructed.
Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)

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