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Temple of the Columns

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Front Facade

Detail of 1968 INAH map, Temple of the Columns at far right.
Jan. 2001
Path east from Palace to Temple of the Columns.
Jan. 2001
Elevation and cross-section of Temple of the Columns (Structure 1C1).
Scanned from George F. Andrews, Pyramids and Palace, Monsters and Masks; Vol. 1, Architecture of the Puuc Regions and the Northern Plains Area, 1995, p.54.  Reproduced with permission of Labyrinthos, publishers.
Front (west) facade with five doorways; cleared and restored 1953.
Jan. 2001
Left four doorways of front facade; most of facing stones fallen or been removed.
Jan. 2001
Right three doorways of front facade; showing different degrees of collapse, survival and restoration.
Jan. 2001
Central doorway at right with full width jamb stone; showing width of colonnette spools above.
Jan. 2001
Clear example of mortar binder covering rubble-cement wall, from which facing stones, have fallen or been removed. They were impressed but not deeply tenoned into wall.
Jan. 2001
Second doorway from right. The colonnette friezes, above and below, presumably ran around entire building.
Jan. 2001
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