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Introductory Images

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Ballcourt, looking past end of east structure and playing court to the playing court face of west structure; playing court runs down center between the two structures (photos at right show details).
photo Jan. 2001
Ball ring in photo at left; this restored ring is a concrete cast of the portions of original stone ring (housed elsewhere), with the missing portions filled in.
photo Jan. 2001
Serpent head with open jaws in photo at far left, projecting from the corner of the molding, a common feature of Puuc region architecture.
photo Jan. 2001
1843. House of the Turtles, south facade; showing collapse at center and left end (cf. photo of restored facade at right).
Scanned from Stephens, Incidents of Travel in Yucatan, 1843; closely based on Frederick Catherwood’s 1841-42 on-site drawing.
2003. Same view as in 1843 print at left, showing major restoration, row of turtles around cornice molding and continuous colonnette for frieze; greatly admired for its refined proportions and cleanliness of design.
photo Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
House of the Turtles, south-east corner of cornice molding; 3-dimensional sculptures of turtles were tenoned into the central girdle of the molding around the entire building.
photo Jan. 2001
Dovecote Group, House of the Pigeons; looking along the south face of the roofcomb, much of which has miraculous survived although the vaulted rooms below have collapsed.
photo Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
Same roofcomb as in photo at left, south side; showing one of the triangular sections, with stepped sides and vertical rectangular openings; at center the projecting base with stucco backing would originally have held a sculpture.
photo Jan. 2001
Same roofcomb, the east end seen end on; showing typical concrete rubble core with facing stones and deeply tenoned molding, miraculously standing after over 10 centuries.
photo Jan. 2001
Quadrangle of the Birds, House of the Birds: frieze of front (east) facade, with birds tenoned into roof-like frieze, entirely restored to agree with surviving section around corner at right.
photo Jan. 2001
Quadrangle of the Birds, South Building: with unusual long gallery, entirely restored ca. 2002.
photo Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)
Quadrangle of the Birds, North Building: largely reconstructed, with original collapsed stones and new stones distinguished.
photo Jan. 2003 (24mm lens)

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