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Nunnery West

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Frieze Details

Left (south) end of facade; the corner mask and areas over doorways 1 and 2 entirely restored to agree with intact section near right end, showing, for example, the bodies of both snakes as if running behind the mask stack.
Jan. 2001
Corner mask stack, upper section; showing elaborate serpent motifs and projecting head at corner of upper molding.
Jan. 2001
Corner mask stack, lower section; showing elaborate serpent motifs in mask stack and projecting head at corner of medial molding.
Jan. 2001
Traditional Yucatec domestic hut, with mask wearing feathered serpent headband with central flower, entirely restored, over doorway no.1.
Jan. 2001
Naked male figure with short sticks through skin of penis and thigh, a jaquar head as headress, entirely restored.
Jan. 2001
Same figure, showing clear distinction of penis from testicles, separate stone pieces for upper and lower body.
Jan. 2001
The ends of the two snakes; the rattle missing from the end of the tail of the snake above, the head missing from the end of the snake below (cf. page 7 for the opposite, better preserved ends of the two snakes).
Jan. 2001
The end of the upper snake with rattle missing, a tuft of feathers on the end of the tail (cf. page 7 for a better preserved tuft on the end of the other snake); entirely restored.
Jan. 2001
The end of the lower snake with head missing. These details also show that the snake was feathered; entirely restored.
Jan. 2001
Stack of 3 masks over doorway no.2, reconstructed as a mate to intact mask stack over doorway no.6.
Jan. 2001
Detail of upper 2 masks in stack shown in photo at left; framed on both sides with reliefs of serpent heads in profile with hanging bifurcated tongues.
Jan. 2001
Detail of lowest mask in stack shown in photo at far left, with flowered headband, ears with ornaments; all 3 masks with unusual spiral eyes.
Jan. 2001

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