April 23rd

Leadinng a Discussion:

Review: Initially inspired by this review paper but we won't spend too much time on this, just read for the general overall picutre. This also will prepare you for next week.:
Rittschof, C. C. & Robinson, G. E.
2014. Genomics: moving behavioural ecology beyond the phenotypic gambit. Animal Behaviour, 92:263-270.

Research Paper: This is the main research paper. Not 100% genomic but very related and interesting in the comparative sense:
O'Connell, L.A. & Hofmann, H.A. (2012) Evolution of a Vertebrate Social
Decision-Making Network. Science 336:1154.

This paper complements the main research paper. Focus on the Introduction and the conclusions. The techniques and neuroanatomy details are not as important. Read those parts just to appreciate the approach but don't wory about all the brain region names and relationships:
Goodson, j. & Kingsbury, M.A. (2013) What's in a name? Considerations of homologies and nomenclature for
vertebrate social behavior networks Hormones & Behavior 64:103–112.

Who-is-Who: Suzy

SNACKS: Audrey, Liz & Sarah